2022 Refresh Order Experience

I have a target production week of 3/28. Not info on how long shipping will take after completion. Anyone heard anything different?
My TPW is also 3/28. My dealer thought I should receive it about a month after. I am expecting last week of April/first week of May. Shipping is from Indiana plant to my dealer in Colorado.

My dealer just told me my status "has been moved to 3400" but the chat on the GMC website still says "accepted and in the production process". Not sure why I can't get status from the chat as mentioned in an earlier post and I don't think my dealer is being untruthful.

When i asked about what code i was a few days ago i was told they don’t like to give the codes as it causes confusion. But a couple days prior they gave me the 3000 code. Anyway, she did tell me i had a tpw of Mar 21 but that was subject to change. I’m just glad im in the queue. Did you guys see the real world pics on YouTube of the sand colored one in Texas?

Just after I posted my salesperson told me that they are hit or miss with the codes through customer service. And I don’t want to look at the Sand color because I think I’ll like it and it’s too late to change my selection. 😬

White was my initial choice. The AT4 really looks good in white. In the end I chose the new Titanium color and it’s the best choice dammit! I say that to myself over and over again.
I went with White to your point - the AT4 does look good in White especially with the 20" wheels. I considered the Titanium but it looked too dark. If it were the Satin Steel then that would have been another story. My order is still waiting to be picked up.

How are you getting this code? I went to GMC website and started a chat, and all they tell me is that it has been accepted by GM. Not providing any code.

Hmmm? I went to the main GMC.com website and then click on the message us on the box in the lower right corner of the main page. When I type in "Please provide me with the Build Code for order XXXXXX", I keep getting this reply "I can help you schedule a dealer appointment. What is the year of your vehicle?"
