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I have a 2024 Sierra AT4 and noticed the the black chrome was peeling. I’ve had it since Dec 2023 and have 9200 miles. It also looks like water spots or bubbles that I can’t remove. I’ll be taking mine to the dealership tomorrow.
Sorry for the delay. The dealer closest to my house was not much help. I contacted the dealer where I purchased it and they are going to get it fixed. I’ll update again after it’s done. I’m taking it to them Monday.No peeling on mine but i do have 'waterspots' that dont want to come out. Let us know what tge dealer says
I’m on grill #2….First time they replaced the fog light bezels as well. I requested a black grill as well on the second one. Got the same answer. It will peel again….Dealer ordered new grill today. I asked to just put a black grill in because the new ones seem to be peeling also. GM said as long as it’s warranty you have to put the AT4 specific black chrome back in.
I've been reading that a lot of shops won't/can't ppf the grillwouldn’t ppf help with this?
If the dealership dented your tailgate, the dealership owes you another tailgate or to fix the damage they caused. No questions asked. I would have thrown a fit.Just noticed some small cracks/peeling on the black chrome grille on my 23 AT4X. I have a really bad rattle in the dash, right where the HUD projector is, is sounds like a screw came loose and is rattling around in a plastic bowl area somewhere inside. Total guess on what/why it is rattling.
Still under warranty for a few thousand miles, going to make a warranty appt at my dealership to address the black chrome peeling and the bad and very annoying rattle in the dash under the HUD camera area. Hopefully they can fix both.
BTW, last time I had my truck in to the dealership, I told them NOT to drop my tailgate and upper tailgate (they had to replace the video cord to the camera mirror), and to do that they needed to drop my tailgate and roll up my BAK revolver bed cover. Sure enough, the tech dropped not only the tailgate, but also the upper tail gate and dented my tailgate right above where the buttons are. I always have a hitch (it is a drop hitch but the upper tail gate will still hit it), and now I have a small dent in the top of the tail gate. I had the upper tailgate black wrapped, and am hoping if I get it re-wrapped it will hide the damage mostly. It did scratch into the black upper tail gate wrapping. So hoping they take care of this also. To fix or replace that upper tail gate would be pricey to do on my own.
If the dealership dented your tailgate, the dealership owes you another tailgate or to fix the damage they caused. No questions asked. I would have thrown a fit.
My dealership puts it on automatically when selling their vehicles cash grab yes but always negotiable. I should have got it done on my wife’s 21 Yukon when we first got it. Instead had it ceramic coated which helps a bit but obviously doesn’t prevent rock chips. The satin chrome on the wife’s Yukon very easily chips off.I've been reading that a lot of shops won't/can't ppf the grill
Got the new grill put in yesterday. Looks good but it appears to have a slightly different tint to it. Idk, may it it’s just me. Probably going to just have it vinyl wrapped black.Dealer ordered new grill today. I asked to just put a black grill in because the new ones seem to be peeling also. GM said as long as it’s warranty you have to put the AT4 specific black chrome back in.