Would ya do it again?


Active member
Oct 30, 2024
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So the dealership I'm working with has been very empathetic and has been great to deal with during my 6.2l engine failure that happened on Jan. 3rd. As you all know, engines aren't available and won't be for a very, very long time. Conceivably over a year as my guess is that GM isn't interested in reallocating engines from their production line with the known issues they are having (which NHTSA is now investigating).

GM has offered me $3k in GM Cash towards the purchase of a new truck. Today, a sales rep from said dealership called to gauge my interest. I told him that I'm quickly looking at one of two options, as waiting a year to get mine back isn't an option. Option A is a MN Lemon Law buy back, which is a cinch in this case, but also a pain in the rear to have to monkey with. Option B, I spend more money and get a new truck, but it too has the 6.2l engine that may or may not be another issue.

The question I have for the group (knowing that it's an AT4 forum), is would ya? Would you get another 6.2l? Nobody knows the failure rate other than GM right now, and they ain't gonna say anything about it. Could be .0001%, or it could be 10% failure rate.

So.......would ya?

You’re being suckered. Buyback makes you whole, anything else your getting screwed economically
Potentially. But I got my truck for a screamin' deal (less than trade in value) at the time. So if I get a buyback via lemon law (I don't qualify for GM buyback as I'm now technically the 3rd owner....original owner, then auctioned to a dealer, then now me), yes I'd get my money back but depending on their offer, I may be better off trading it in along with the GM cash being offered to me for this situation. We'll see.

The issue is a combo platter...it's not only a matter of addressing the situation, but it's also figuring out what to get next. That isn't as straightforward a solution, unfortunately. Diesels just don't appeal to me being in MN. Yes, many folks drive diesels in MN, but not many use them to go fishing when it's -25F or colder ambient temps....and those that do have struggles getting it started, even when plugged in. I don't want to be limited on activities because of my vehicle. The 6.2 was ideal from all aspects other than reliability.....which is a rather substantial deal.

This. Yeah probably a PITA to deal with but then it's like it never happened

That said....I am personally on my 2nd AT4 (X in this case) with a 6.2L

I'm on my 2nd engine and willing to give it another try. If it happens again then I need to get rid of the truck. Prior to this model year, I would not have hesitated to go with Ram. But since they don't offer a V8 anymore, and I don't care for the Ford's, I guess I would be stuck with GM again.
You're in a tough situation but I think I would have a hard time trading in and paying even more money for potentially having the same issue happen again.
