Weird noise after 23K miles!?


Active member
Apr 11, 2021
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So before I left to go offshore last month, the truck started making a whine-like noise when stepping on the gas and decelerating. I got home yesterday after a 500+ mile trip and popped the hood, I couldn’t believe it: my drivers side pulley wheel (sorry don’t know what to call it) on serpentine belt was not moving! The belt had been running over it through the grooves but no spin. I loosened the nut just a little (15mm size socket) and just a touch of wd40 on the bolt/washer. Cranked her up and still have the noise, despite the pulley wheel now spinning freely. Taking it to the dealership today to try to diagnose it since all systems seem fine on dash/onstar. At least goin to get a new belt put on and buy a spare to keep in the truck.

TLDR: weird noisecoming from engine. Thoughts or insights welcome.

Update: turns out the idler pulley bearing(s) were pitted, causing the idler pulley to fail/stop spinning and since it does not serve a cooling function as far as I can tell it did not cause any overheating or dashboard lights. They replaced the idler pulley, crazily enough, when I asked them if they had replaced the serpentine belt as well they said it did not appear damaged! 500+ miles without one of the pulleys spinning and it didn’t damage the belt at all??! 🤷‍♂️

Sorry for being MIA for the last 6 months. When I asked them to put a new one on and let me keep the old one they said if they replace a part they have to send the defective part to GMC HQ to investigate why it failed. But not too long ago some idiot threw a white barrier pole into my grill and busted the passenger headlight, I put some Gorilla tape on it to keep the rain out while I save up for the $1400 replacement so I’ll just buy a spare serpentine belt then. Unless anyone has found a more cost effective solution for headlights?

I had this exact thing happen to me right around 24k miles as well. Idler pulley went bad. Sounded like angry cats fighting under the hood.

Sorry for being MIA for the last 6 months. When I asked them to put a new one on and let me keep the old one they said if they replace a part they have to send the defective part to GMC HQ to investigate why it failed. But not too long ago some idiot threw a white barrier pole into my grill and busted the passenger headlight, I put some Gorilla tape on it to keep the rain out while I save up for the $1400 replacement so I’ll just buy a spare serpentine belt then. Unless anyone has found a more cost effective solution for headlights?
When it rains eh?

Ya and just before Christmas some guy stopped short, no collision with warning from my truck and I barely bumped him, my passenger fender is bent inwards and they tried to take me for $3K+, guess that’s what insurance is for. Not the best year for my baby haha

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