New 2022 GMC AT4 (Accessories)


Jan 15, 2022
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I just placed and order for the new 2022 AT4 1500 and are looking for recommendations on the following.

  • Best practical bed cover.
  • Exhaust, GMC or aftermarket?
  • Window tint percentages (front, back, windshield) ?
This will be my first time accessorizing a vehicle, any suggestions would be welcomed. Also, suggestions on what not to do.


Thanks for accepting me.

I just placed and order for the new 2022 AT4 1500 and are looking for recommendations on the following.

  • Best practical bed cover.
  • Exhaust, GMC or aftermarket?
  • Window tint percentages (front, back, windshield) ?
This will be my first time accessorizing a vehicle, any suggestions would be welcomed. Also, suggestions on what not to do.

Any pictures of final builds would be appreciated as well!

Thanks for accepting me.

I just placed and order for the new 2022 AT4 1500 and are looking for recommendations on the following.

  • Best practical bed cover.
  • Exhaust, GMC or aftermarket?
  • Window tint percentages (front, back, windshield) ?
This will be my first time accessorizing a vehicle, any suggestions would be welcomed. Also, suggestions on what not to do.


For the tint, I would go 40% on the front side windows, then 15-20% on the rear side windows and the back window. Then something that isn't very dark on the windshield.

For the exhaust, what engine are you getting?

For tint, i would highly recomend you research your state laws. Then go for the darkest allowed by law.
I looked at that before I answered, and it appears to be 40% on the front side windows, then anything on the side rear windows and the back window.

For the bed cover I had a bakflip hard cover- forget the actual name- on my last truck. It folded 3 times back and covered the entire back window. Also the rivets rusted out at about 4 years.
on this one, I bought a gator hr1. I’ve had it now for about a month and a half. So far I love it. It’s sturdy, rolls away nice and neat and if you ask them if they can go any lower on the price, they will knock $100 off .
Out of the 2 I prefer the gator bc when rolled up you can still see out of the back window. It was about $800 shipped

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