Has anyone come out with a complete Delete Kit for a 2023+ LZ0?
I'm not judging, but may I ask you why you would want to do this? I'm genuinely curious.Has anyone come out with a complete Delete Kit for a 2023+ LZ0?
Not the place to post this.Has anyone come out with a complete Delete Kit for a 2023+ LZ0?
Why not?Not the place to post this.
EPAWhy not?
It might come to that.If this is the case, then we shouldn't be talking about a lot of the stuff that we do to our vehicles. Things like the auto start stop delete, and the DFM delete, etc.
Thanks for asking.I'm not judging, but may I ask you why you would want to do this? I'm genuinely curious.
Did not mean for it to come off like that.lol get a load of William Wallace over here.
WTF?!Thanks for the feedback Folks.
SPOT ON JOHNv76!!!! Why Not!!!!! because of EPA? That is what they want you to say and think!!!!
Really a very sad state that this country is in.
Vehicles, TVs, Appliances and many other things listening and monitoring us. And businesses (Manufacturers going along with it.) Selling our data, telling us what we can and can not do.
Why do you think Scummywood (hollywood) has conditioned us and the young people with all the Hunger Games, Snow Piercer, and the like. When are Good People going to stand up and say SCREW YOU 3 LETTER and MR G0V?? Few have the cahoonas to do it. Well myself and JOHNv76 do!!!!!
Probably get some sarcastic comments but so what. If the shoe fits then wear it.
PS: Not trying to be a jerk, as I hardly ever post anything like this. BUT it does piss me off, that you and I can not exercise our free speech without being handslapped by some 2 bit arm chair police wanna be with the government.
To the Moderator of the Forum, I do apologize if I sound harsh. But when I see 100,000s of people afffected by a storm that destroys their lives then a scumbag politician says there is no aid coming, and they send BILLIONS to the scum g0v in UKR, then launder funds back to their pockets, it is not right.
Then we come on a very good forum to discuss vehicle problems, upgrades and changes to make them better to get the most out of our HUGE investment, to only be told, "WE SHOULD NOT DISCUSS THIS HERE BECAUSE OF A 3 LETTER", That My Friend is not right.