LM2 oil analysis, type of oil, consumption but no opinions on the best oil please

Andystoy AT4

Active member
Jul 10, 2022
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This is the first oil analysis for this engine (LM 3.0) with factory fill and about 1/4 qt used at 6110 km/3818 miles, 99.3 eng hours very little towing.

I will change the oil in the spring and see if the wear metals have balanced out from this report as shown or continue on the high side for Silica (dirt or dust) and Silver? This was a factory fill and no type of work has been done to date on the engine.:unsure:

It’s normal to have higher metal and silica (silicon) in the oil while the engine is being worn in. They should go down over the first 15,000-20,000 miles and stabilize after that. I wouldn’t worry too much about it for now. Focus on fine tuning your oil change intervals instead by focusing on the oil degradation and viscosities. Not sure if you can use Blackstone Labratories in Canada (or how much it was be) but I use them for all my vehicles. They give a very detailed report. Might be worth looking in to.

Blackstone Laboratories

Here is the second oil change by AGAT and most of the wear metals except the iron have decreased as would be expected. The iron is at about 78% of the first reading when you correct for the additional engine hours. The soot has increased as well as other items as indicated in the oil degradation table with almost twice the hours on the oil.

It would be interesting to see how these compare to other engines (LM2 and LZ0) when they are after the first and second oil change. :)

I forgot to add that the oil was down about a quarter of the way on the dip stick and no oil was added after the previous oil change, ;)

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