Issues when filling truck with gas


New member
Feb 10, 2021
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I purchased a 2021 AT4 last month and have been having issues when fueling it up. After I insert the handle into the truck and lock the handle it begins filling for a few seconds and then begins overflowing. I try to lock the handle in place and it clicks and stops fueling every time. The only way it works is when I barely pull the handle and allow gas to flow very slowly, so in other words it takes 30 minutes to fill up my truck. Anyone else having or has had this issue. Any advice or information will help. Thanks

I have had this happen with multiple vehicles and multiple pumps. There needs to some tolerance between the filler opening and the nozzle for the tank to take in/push out air. What works for me is adjusting how far I put the nozzle in until I find that sweet spot that allows it to work normally. It's the same as holding your finger on top of a straw, if it can't move air in or out then the fluid will have a hard time moving. Hope that makes sense.
