Oh ok, thanks man. I did remove the cowl and hood latch, but wasn’t sure how else the grill was attached and didn’t want to be breaking a 3 day old truck!I took the plastic cowl off the top of the grille, about a dozen plastic clips, removed the hood release (torx screws), popped most of the grille out from the top so I could get my arm in there. Then broke 2 clips off the top on the back of the old emblem ( long screw driver and just pushed down on the plastic clips)
Then worked it out from the outside. Wasn’t keeping the old one so it didn’t matter if I broke it. I think the GM instruction say to remove the grille.
Yeah, I checked GM and many other retailers for instructions with no luck. The truck is just too new I guess. I ended up getting it off after Puck’s advice. It was a booger though!I am doing this same exact thing on my 1500 AT4X and the formal service instructions say to remove the grille entirely. Your dealer may be able to give you the instructions if you ask them for it. Sometimes instructions are on the accessories website for certain products too so check there.