Well-known member
Hi, all.
I learned to drive on old GM ranch trucks in the late 60s and early 70s, but I haven’t owned a GM truck in many, many years.
I have been driving Jeeps and Ford trucks for most of the last forty years, but I’m about to retire, and the fleet guys at work told me that the GM and Dodge trucks have been holding up better the Fords for the last ten years so, after doing some research, I made the leap and bought a GMC AT4X Duramax last week. This afternoon it rolled over 400 miles, and it’s been a joy to drive.
Here’s the rub. I’d like to install some accessory lighting, and a compressor, but there are no up-fitter switches!? Every truck we’ve bought since 2008 has had factory accessory switches. Dodge and Ford have had them for at least fifteen years. Jeep has them too. In addition to looking clean and “factory”, OEM upfitter switches provide convenient switched power both inside the cab and under the hood, so radios, lights, and compressors are a snap to install. I was so sure switches would be standard on a top GM trim I didn’t even think to check… Not only are accessory switches not standard, but the parts guy at the GMC dealership told me there is no GM solution for my truck, so I’ll be stuck drilling holes to install one of the cheesy aftermarket solutions I wired up as a kid. That sounds awful.
I can’t make sense out of a truck with a $107,000 factory sticker not coming with $40 worth of accessory switching and wiring. There is no compartment for glasses either…
I’m also in the habit of installing phone mounts by Bulletpoint or 67 Designs. Both offer plenty of solutions for jeep and Dodge, and no amount of dust and shake will drop the phones, but there are no sturdy options for the “refreshed” AT4 or Denali… I don’t want a flimsy vent mount, cupholder mount, or suction-cup mount, as they’ve never been strong enough to hold steady on the roads we drive.
I know, I know… I’m being a whiner, but sheesh. All of these things are as common as cup holders now. I don’t “need” any of them. I don’t even need an automatic transmission or air conditioning, as I drove for many years with neither of them, but when I’m buying a top trim level and spending a LOT more than my first house cost, I expect to get all the inexpensive conveniences we’re all used to.
I know GM guys use cell phones and accessories too… Do any of you have solutions for accessory switching and secure phone mounts?
I learned to drive on old GM ranch trucks in the late 60s and early 70s, but I haven’t owned a GM truck in many, many years.
I have been driving Jeeps and Ford trucks for most of the last forty years, but I’m about to retire, and the fleet guys at work told me that the GM and Dodge trucks have been holding up better the Fords for the last ten years so, after doing some research, I made the leap and bought a GMC AT4X Duramax last week. This afternoon it rolled over 400 miles, and it’s been a joy to drive.
Here’s the rub. I’d like to install some accessory lighting, and a compressor, but there are no up-fitter switches!? Every truck we’ve bought since 2008 has had factory accessory switches. Dodge and Ford have had them for at least fifteen years. Jeep has them too. In addition to looking clean and “factory”, OEM upfitter switches provide convenient switched power both inside the cab and under the hood, so radios, lights, and compressors are a snap to install. I was so sure switches would be standard on a top GM trim I didn’t even think to check… Not only are accessory switches not standard, but the parts guy at the GMC dealership told me there is no GM solution for my truck, so I’ll be stuck drilling holes to install one of the cheesy aftermarket solutions I wired up as a kid. That sounds awful.
I can’t make sense out of a truck with a $107,000 factory sticker not coming with $40 worth of accessory switching and wiring. There is no compartment for glasses either…
I’m also in the habit of installing phone mounts by Bulletpoint or 67 Designs. Both offer plenty of solutions for jeep and Dodge, and no amount of dust and shake will drop the phones, but there are no sturdy options for the “refreshed” AT4 or Denali… I don’t want a flimsy vent mount, cupholder mount, or suction-cup mount, as they’ve never been strong enough to hold steady on the roads we drive.
I know, I know… I’m being a whiner, but sheesh. All of these things are as common as cup holders now. I don’t “need” any of them. I don’t even need an automatic transmission or air conditioning, as I drove for many years with neither of them, but when I’m buying a top trim level and spending a LOT more than my first house cost, I expect to get all the inexpensive conveniences we’re all used to.
I know GM guys use cell phones and accessories too… Do any of you have solutions for accessory switching and secure phone mounts?