Extended warranty question

I get the extended warranty when I buy new. its peace of mind for me, everything is covered.
I think the dealer warranty is better than the other one offered on tv.
it also depends on how long your planning on keeping your truck.

I get the extended warranty when I buy new. its peace of mind for me, everything is covered.
I think the dealer warranty is better than the other one offered on tv.
it also depends on how long your planning on keeping your truck.
I’ve had my current truck for 8 years, and hopefully this one would be the same. I guess it would make sense to get it then.

With the computers in these truck I would definately get the extended. Ive owned a GM since 1978 and this was the first time I purchased the extened on my 2022 until it was totaled a couple of weeks ago in a head on, I am getting the extended on the 2023 just due to the computers.

I first sold cars back in the late 80’s and early 90’s. Sold again around 2011 for a couple years. Always promoted extended warranty and have bought them myself. I have had factory warranties and aftermarket. Never had an issue with either but factory backed are easier when having a dealer service the vehicle. That said my 2023 AT4HD has a GM protection plan bumper to bumper. I was a little upset that GM tops out at 100k. Had a Carmax warranty on my Sierra (bought used at Carmax) 1500 good to 150k

oddly enough going back to 1994 all of my extended warranties have paid off in my favor. Personally I would rather have not used them but…

I am picking up the truck in a few weeks and also on the fence about the warranty. Let me know some other prices people got the warranty for so I know what is a fair deal.
2023 GMC AT4 1500 Diesel
