A question and an observation


Apr 12, 2023
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So I need some help from all you wonderful HD owners out there. I recently purchased my first HD and first diesel…love it…except for my check engine issue that you can follow here…question for you, does the truck give you any notification or alert that it’s currently going through regen? I heard it can be quite detrimental to the system if you don't let the regen process complete, but how are you supposed to know it’s going through one. Thanks for the help!

An observation. I’ve seen a few threads talking about how the column shifter blocks a portion of the screen. I use Waze and it is super annoying that when in drive, the shifter blocks key nav stats like est time of arrival, remaining miles, etc. A simple solve would be to be able to move the app screen to the other side of the display. I rarely look at the right side of the screen (i configured it to show an analog clock), and would much rather have that on the left and the FULL view of the apps I actually care about on the right. This would be a simple firmware update. Would you like GM to do this? And forgive me if this has already been suggested elsewhere.

No regen notice across the gm board. There are a couple of ways to monitor it through aftermarket. A cheap and easy way is to watch your fuel mileage. If driving with no payload, your mileage will tank to single digits.

If it gets to the point of causing trouble not being able to complete a regen, the dic will tell you to "Keep Driving"

I watch it. Around 28 miles.


The Banks Power iDash can track Regen, among many other things. Plus the new stealth pod is super clean.

I have had mine for about 6500 miles and still can't tell when it is doing the regen. I have tried listening for it and looking at MPG but nothing noticeable. The truck is running fine so going to leave well enough alone and not worry about it.

Mine has less than 300 miles on it and it did its 1st regen. I could tell by the smell it made and engine got a little louder at idle when stopped.
How long does it usually last for? I have 450kms on mine and kinda noticed it but not really with engine noise and abit of smell

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