2024 column shifter


New member
Jul 13, 2023
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Does anyone know of an after market column shifter that does not cover the new screen? Or perhaps a way to get the half ton shifter swapped? I guess I was a bit giddy when I bought my 2024 at4 hd and didn’t even pay attention to it covering the screen. Would not have changed my buying decision, but not a great design. They should have just used the half ton shifter in the console.

Does anyone know of an after market column shifter that does not cover the new screen? Or perhaps a way to get the half ton shifter swapped? I guess I was a bit giddy when I bought my 2024 at4 hd and didn’t even pay attention to it covering the screen. Would not have changed my buying decision, but not a great design. They should have just used the half ton shifter in the console.
I wish I could find one. That shifter covering the display is so ford-like, it's nauseating. No matter what seat or steering wheel adjustment I make, only makes it worse. I'm glad you didn't mention wanting a console shifter. The 2500 guys (except me) go into a full blown psychosis about it. I don't give a flock about what people prefer.

The only solution I came up with is putting the truck in "L" instead of "D" and kicking the max gear up to 10 from the default 7. The shifter is way out of the way in that setting, and I believe, and somebody correct me if I'm wrong, putting it in "L-10" is the exact same thing as "D". ...and yeah, I understand you shouldn't have to.

Crazy to think that GM did not see this with the column shifter in the 2500. All they had to do was move the screen couple inches to the right or shorten the shifter or make it smaller. Can’t find any solutions to this but you would think there would be an after market one for this very reason.

On the Silverado 2500 it’s not that apparent and doesn’t block as much as the GMC version.

Not at that price and it still blocks some of the screen. I wish someone would figure out how to have the shift lever in the next notch down (L) but with the transmission still in drive.
