(4) 2022 AT4x Trailer TPMS Sensors 433
Total will be $155 with shipping UPS.
You can send PayPal to [email protected].
Let me know if you can't do PayPal.
$35 Shipping? Are you sending them from Mars? $155 still a great deal though for the OEM ones.
TX is right. If you don't get these with the vehicle (4 for $50), you're screwed. After that, at the dealership, they are $150 for 2.
I see that as a GREAT AND POLITE way to say- stay in your lane and outta my bidness!Well Rick, it was $22 UPS + a box + $5 handling = great deal Mr.
I see that as a GREAT AND POLITE way to say- stay in your lane and outta my bidness!