2021 AT4 Won't drive off of dealer lot - can't make this up!


New member
Oct 2, 2021
Reaction score
East Coast
My 2021 Yukon Xl / AT4 recently arrived at our local dealer. After paperwork and introduction with sales I prepared to leave the lot with the vehicle. This is my first Yukon. Completely out of nowhere the truck wouldn't start. It would crank but sounded like no gas was going to the engine. I mean I literally hadn't left the lot. The dealer had 5 techs on it quickly. I left the lot in my rented vehicle (previous car totaled) rather than wait for them to figure it out. They followed up to say it was a bad ECM and offered to order it and put me in a loaner. That is the extent of what they have offered. I was pretty chill about everything but obviously very disappointed.

Any advice out there?
What would be a realistic response from the dealer?
If this were you would you go through with the purchase? I think I have already bought the vehicle but have not taken possession. Given the current state of the car market I am not in a strong position.

Any realistic advise appreciated.

Man that’s a tough one I think if my dealer was trying to make it right and doing everything in there power to take care of it I would give them a chance but it’s a big investment so I’d do what I thought needed to be done. Good luck hope it works out.

I agree....if the dealer's trying their best to handle it....I'd stick with them. The bad ECM isn't the dealer's fault.....that could have happened to any truck off the line. How they handle it would be more important to me. If they had another one on the lot I'd certainly try to swap, but given the current market....I'm sure that's not an option. Keep us posted. And send pics! Good luck

I agree with the above. I purchased an Sierra AT4 today and as I was leaving I asked the sales guy if he had a truck with the Kicker Tailgate speakers in them. I just wanted to hear them to see if they are worth it. He turned it on and almost immediately you could smell an electrical burn smell extremely strong. He wasn't able to get it working and I drove off.

It sucks, but sometimes its really not the dealers fault, however how the dealer responds to the issue is key.
